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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 31 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 31 May 1921

    Bridging Breakfast Creek.       Included in the report of the Works Committed which was submitted at a meeting of the Bribane city Council yesterday was a clause... The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 31 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 31 May 1946

  LEAGUE TEST IS LIKELY TO GO TO EXHIBITION       A DECISION whether the second Rugby League Test on July 6 will be played at Exhibition Oval or Brisbane Cricket Ground, will be made next week. Rugby League...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 28 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 28 May 1946

  LARGEST PARTY OF CIVILIANS       CARRYING the largest complement of civilian passengers from America since the Pacific war began, the Matson liner Mariposa berthed at Brett's wharf last night with 150...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 28 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 28 May 1921

  EARLY SURVEYS. GRANVILLE. CHETWYND. STAPYLTON, 1800-1840.       The history of the land survey of Australia and New Zealand has yet to be written. It lies scattered in official records, published and...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 27 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 27 May 1921

  Municipal Elections in New Zealand.     Referring last evening to local government in New Zealand Mr. W. J. Jennings, member for Waitomo in the New Zealand House of Representatives, … The Brisbane Courier,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 26 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 26 May 1921

  CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR.       The monthly meeting of the Queensland C. E. Union was held in the City Tabernacle on Friday night, the president (Rev. J. H. Latimer) in the chair. The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 25 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 25 May 1946

  Reader's Appeal For Bush Children Some Children Have Never Tasted Milk     NEXT week-end the special Appeal Committee of the Queensland Bush Children's Health Scheme will be launching their… The Courier Mail,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 25 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 25 May 1921

  PERSONAL.       At last night's annual meeting of the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce Brigadier-General J. C. Robertson, C.M.G., D.S.O., was elected president for the… The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 24 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 24 May 1921

  PERSONAL.       His Grace Archbishop Duhig is on a visit to Warwick. To-day his Grace well leave on a pastoral visit to Inglewood, Goondiwindi, St. George, Texas, and… The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 23 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 23 May 1921

  Brisbane a " Grey" City.     His Excellency the Governor, in speaking on "Gardening as an Unselfish Art," at the opening of the Ascot State School fete on Saturday afternoon, said… The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 22 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 22 May 1946

  "LORD MAYOR IS DICTATOR"       LABOUR aldermen told the Lord Mayor (Alderman Chandler) at yesterday's City Council meeting that he was a "dictator," and that his refusal of Labour nominees for council......

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 21 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 21 May 1946

  READER'S QUERY ON SUNDAY SPORT HEALTHY GAMES OH TWO-UP?       THE City Council's ordinance on Sunday sport, if enforced, will affect thousands of young people, who should... The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 21 May 2021

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 21 May 2021

  THE UNIVERSITY AND THE NEED FOR REFORM.     Throughout the whole State, let the fact be ignored as it may, there is a growing feeling that all is not well with the University, that it is not keeping step… The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 20 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 20 May 1921

  SIR THOMAS ROBINSON. A CIVIC RECEPTION. EX-AGENT-GENERAL'S FINE WORK.     A civic reception was tendered to the ex-Agent-General for Queensland (SirThomas Robinson) in the Brisbane City Council Chambers...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 19 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 19 May 1921

  A PRIVATE DETECTIVE'S CLAIM. CASE IN SMALL DEBTS COURT.     Before Mr. W. Harris, P.M., in the Small Debts Court yesterday, Alfred Edward Jackson, carrying on business as the City Detective Service, claimed…...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 18 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 18 May 1921

  MINING, STOCKS, AND SHARES.     For the convenience of "Courier" renders we have arranged with Mr. E. A. Derrick, of 104 Eagle-street, Brisbane (a leading analyst and assayer), to... The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 17 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 17 May 1921

  New Road to be Formed.       For a number of years past years past the Works Committee of the Brisbane City Council has directed a good deal of its activities towards opening up a roadway in… The Brisbane...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 17 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 17 May 1946

  BEAUTIFY BRISBANE, SAYS READER Suburbs Should Adopt Shrubs       The idea of avenues of trees to attract tourists to Brisbane (C.-M., 13/5/46) is excellent. The scheme could be developed The Courier Mail,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 16 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 16 May 1921

  SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. TURF TOPICS.     Jockey A. E. Davis had his first mount at Albion Pnrk on Saturday, after an absence of some months as the result of an accident, when his arm was The Brisbane Courier,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 16 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 16 May 1946

  Big Council Plans For Modern City       PLANS for the spending of millions of pounds for the modernising of all sections of Brisbane are being drafted by the City Council's town planning department The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 15 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 15 May 1946

  OLD POST OFFICE FACADE TO COME DOWN     THE renaissance design facade of Brisbane's General Post Office will be demolished when a new G.P.O. is built within the next few years… The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 14 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 14 May 1921

  TRADE AND FINANCE. BANK RATES.     Rates of Exchange are:- Queensland (within the State), 2/6 to 20/ per cent.; minimum 6d. Queensland with New South Wales, … The Brisbane Courier, page 2

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 13 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 13 May 1921

  New Central High School.     The Minister for Public Instruction((Mr. J. Huxham) said yesterday that it was confidently expected that the alterations to the Normal School buildings would… The Brisbane Courier,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 13 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 13 May 1946

  READER ADVOCATES Avenues of Trees To Bring Tourists     UNDOUBTEDLY Queensland offers more to wealthy tourists than any other State. THE incomparable Barrier Reef. The Courier Mail, page 2

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 12 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 12 May 1921

  The Brisbane Courier. 75th YEAR OF PUBLICATION. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1921. Queensland.     Metropolitan weather forecast for today: Generally fine, but times of cloud, and an occasional shower likely; mild...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 11 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 11 May 1946

  When Melba Sang in Brisbane       DAME NELLIE MELBA'S life story, broadcast from 4BK at 7.30 every Sunday night, is of special interest to Queenslanders. Long before she rose to world fame. Nellie...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 10 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 10 May 1946

  REST OF THE NEWS IN BRIEF FLASHES BUTCHER FINED £40:     Harold Howard Hutchins, wholesale slaughterer, West Bundaberg, was fined a total of £40 yesterday. He was convicted of The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 9 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 9 May 1946

  BRISBANE GIRLS IN US. WRITE     IMPRESSIONS of wonderful roads in America, of pastoral country, and the dramatic contrast of dirty Pittsburgh, are contained in a letter from Mrs. A. R. Whitman, formerly Miss...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 8 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 8 May 1946

  Dear Jennifer     The old "chicken or the egg" problem is raised by Winifred Moore this week after a comparison of faces seen in city streets with the facial contours beloved by modern painters… The Courier...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 7 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 7 May 1946

  OUR SECRET WEAPON WAS CLEVER BLUFF     THIS formidable array of ack-ack guns, just off the secret list, helped to protect Brisbane from enemy craft during the War. Their big feature was a… The Courier Mail,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 6 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 6 May 1946

  MELROSE TRIAL STAR       Hughie Melrose gave such an outstanding display for City against Country last Saturday that he deservedly gained The Courier-Mail bonus of £2. On the strength of this clever… The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 3 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 3 May 1946

  Aldermen Want £100 Pay Rise       A SALARY increase for aldermen from £400 to £500 a year is expected to be one of the first moves by the new City Council. Several aldermen, both The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 2 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 2 May 1946

  OUR SOCIAL REPORTERS FOUND     GALA re-opening of the Eagle Farm racecourse on Saturday will find many visitors front the country and from other States in Brisbane. Friendly re-unions will be enjoyed at...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 1 May 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 1 May 1946

  RECORDS AT HOSPITAL "MISPLACED"     The hospital records of James Holmes, 50, a pensioner of World War 1, had been misplaced, Dr. R. & A. Bennett, a resident medical… The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 10 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 10 May 1921

  Fire Brigade Boards' Amalgamation.       Correspondence received at a meeting of the South Brisbane City Council yesterday included a letter from the Home Secretary's Department intimating, with… The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 7 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 7 May 1921

  MUSIC AND DRAMA.     Jascha Heifetz is the lion of the hour in Sydney, and the people of that city are doing their best to spoil him. Besides being a wonderful violinist, he is said to... The Brisbane Courier,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 6 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 6 May 1921

  Madame Strathearn and Sister Kathleen.     Madame Jessie Strathearn and Sister Kathleen, who comprise a deputation from the West Ham Central Mission, London, arrived in Brisbane by the mail train last… The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 5 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 5 May 1921

  PERSONAL.     The Mayor of Brisbane (Alderman J. P. Maxwell, M.L.A.) on Saturday last received a Christmas and New Year card, in the Royal colours, from the Prince… The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 4 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 4 May 1921

  The Brisbane Courier. 75th Year of Publication. Wednesday, May 4, 1921. Queensland.     Metropolitan weather forecast: Mild, and more or less cloudy, with an occasional shower. Maximum temperature yesterday,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 3 May 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 3 May 1921

Labour Day. Procession and Sports In Brisbane.     The principal features of the Labour Day procession yesterday morning were the displays arranged by Government Departments. As usual, the processionists... The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 30 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 30 April 1921

  FIFIY YEARS AGO. POLYNESIAN LABOURERS.     A report of the online of the schooner Isabella among the Pacific islands in search of natives who were willing to become labourers in Queensland, contains…...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 30 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 30 April 1946

  Wide Bowls Carnival Entry     ENTRIES for the Queensland bowls championship carnival to commence on May 16 have been received from places as far apart as Tweed Heads in the south and Ingham,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 29 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 29 April 1921

  CITY RATES. SUBSTANTIAL INCREASES.     A special meeting of the Brisbane City Council was held yesterday to consider a special report from the Finance Committee, submitting estimates of ways… The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 29 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 29 April 1946

  C.M.O. MAY APPEAL ON ALLEGED POLL IRREGULARITY     THE Lord Mayor (Ald. Chandler) said last night that the Citizens' Municipal Organisation may appeal the South Brisbane ballot at Saturday's council...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 27 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 27 April 1921


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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 27 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 27 April 1946

  CHANDLER REPLIES TO LABOUR QUERY     THE Labour Party is seeking an inquiry info circumstances in which the Lord Mayor (Ald. Chandler) obtained a concrete mixer and his son (Mr. M. M. Chandler)...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 26 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 26 April 1946

  World War II Veteran Says "Anzac Parade Left Me Uneasy"     After six years, I stood on the sideline to watch yesterday's Anzac Day parade. I did not enjoy it. It left me… The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 26 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 26 April 1921

  LIEUT. HINKLER IN BRISBANE., SMART TRIP FROM GYMPIE. AEROPLANE FOR CENTRAL QUEENSLAND.     Flight-Lieut. Bert Hinkler, the Bundaberg airman, arrived in Brisbane at 10.50 yesterday morning, having...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 25 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 25 April 1921

  REFERENCES IN METHODIST CHURCHES.     In the city and suburban Methodist churches, yesterday, special references were made to the heroism and sacrifices of the Anzacs, and prayers offered for the…...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 25 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 25 April 1946

  TRADE AND FINANCE NEW LIFE ASSURANCE BUSINESS SET RECORD     SIX of the leading life assurance offices of Australia wrote new business for 1945 totalling £104.71 millions. This was a record, beating...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 24 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 24 April 1946

  DISFIGUREMENT THREAT ALLEGED AT CITY INQUEST     MRS. IRIS HAMILTON declared yesterday, at the continued inquest into the death of Bartholomew Gay Ellis, that Ellis had often said after quarrels that...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 23 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 23 April 1921

  RELIGIOUS.     The Archbishop of Brisbane (Dr. Donaldson) will preach at St. John’s Cathedral to-morrow, at 11 a.m. On Monday (Anzac Day) his Grace will… The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 22 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 22 April 1946

  Sailor's Job Is Pleasant     ON THE CONNING tower of the British submarine Truncheon, Miss Yvonne Walderon, of Sandgate, has A.B.A. Slager, of Birmingham, as guide. Miss Margaret O'Connor, of Wickham...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 21 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 21 April 1921

  THE APOLOGIA OF MR. VOWLES.     The apologia, which appears in another column of this issue, of Mr. W. J. Vowles, the Leader of the Country Party in the State Parliament, is not only a very… The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 20 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 20 April 1921

  Strange and Wonderful Economy.     Apparently, so far as the Railway Department is concerned, the time of the public does not matter. Yesterday, for instance, in the effort to effect a few more… The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 20 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 20 April 1946

  House Made Of Concrete To Cost £942     Hope that the erection of an experimental concrete slab dwelling in York Street, Nundah, would lead to the establishment of an… The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 19 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 19 April 1921

  THE NEW STATES MOVEMENT.     In pre-Federation days there was a movement in Queensland for the establishment of separate States in the Central and Northern divisions. Since federation... The Brisbane...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 18 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 18 April 1921

  DAVIES PARK BATHS. TO THE EDITOR.     Sir, One of the most astonishing things I have met with recently is that most of the South Brisbane City Council apparently have no recollection of the... The...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 18 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 18 April 1946

  OUR SOCIAL REPORTERS FOUND DOWNS IS POPULAR FOR EASTER BREAK     EASTER will see a general exodus of many of Brisbane's younger set to Toowoomba, where they will be the guests of college friends and...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 17 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 17 April 1946

  QUEENSLAND PLAYWRIGHT WINS PRIZE     SYDNEY, Tuesday. Mr. George Landen Dann, of Kitt Street, Sandgate, will share the first prize of £100 in the 1945-46 £125 stage… The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 16 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 16 April 1946

  Claim Atom Station Found In Spain     LONDON, April 15. Despite Franco's denials, an anatomic research station has been found in Spain, says the Paris correspondent of the Daily Worker. The Courier...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 16 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 16 April 1921

  MUSIC AND DRAMA.     What is singing? The question is not so simple as it looks, for not all "vocalising" is singing. One may appear on the concert platform, and even respond to the... The Brisbane...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 15 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 15 April 1946

  Vital Task For Montgomery? NEW FORCE FOR | EMPIRE Chifley To Hear Plan     LONDON, April 14. Field-Marshal Montgomery is likely to be appointed chief of a common force for the defence of the Empire....

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 15 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 15 April 1921

  THE CHIEF RABBI. ADDRESSES IN BRISBANE.       Yesterday morning the Very Rev. Dr. J. H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregation of the British Empire who is primarily on a pastoral...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 13 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 13 April 1921

  VIEWED FROM THE OTHER SIDE. HOW AUSTRALIAN AFFAIRS ARE WATCHED     "The chief lesson of the war in all countries," writes a gentleman conversant with financial affairs in London to a friend in...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 12 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 12 April 1921

  New Floating Baths.     At the meeting of the South Brisbane City Council yesterday, the Deputy Mayor (Alderman Gaffney) presiding, a recommendation by the Works Committee to… The Brisbane Courier,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 12 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 12 April 1946

  STEP-UP IN STATE BUILDING GIVES HOMES AND TRAINING     STEP-UP in the State's house-building programme was announced by the Housing Minister (Mr. Bruce) yesterday after the Executive Council meeting,...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 11 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 11 April 1921

  "Macbeth,"     "Macbeth," which was produced by the Allan Walkie Company before a crowded audience at His Majesty's Theatre on Saturday evening, stands out as a drama… The Brisbane Courier, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 11 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 11 April 1946

  She Showed Them How EXPERT'S COOKING WON APPROVAL     TWO large and keenly interested audiences in the City Hall yesterday afternoon and evening saw Miss Alison Allen, food specialist, demonstrate...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 9 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 9 April 1946

  FEDERAL OFFICES TO BE BUILT IN ANN ST.     CANBERRA, Monday. Erection of a building on land facing Ann Street and Anzac Square is planned by the Federal Government to help to overcome the shortage of...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 9 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 9 April 1921

  FIFTY YEARS AGO. [Compiled from the "Courier" files for the week ended April 8, 1871.] STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.     The prospectus of the Queensland Steam Navigation Co. states that the object of...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 8 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 8 April 1921

  NAVAL DEFENCE. A VITAL QUESTION. COMING IMPERIAL CONFERENCE. | THE JAPANESE TREATY. AUSTRALIA'S INTERESTS. MELBOURNE, April 7.     Addressing the House of Representatives by leave to-day, the Prime...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 8 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 8 April 1946

  COMMUNISTS FARE POORLY     COMMUNIST Party candidates fared badly in Townsville and Bundaberg on Saturday, when a number of Queensland country towns held council elections. The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 7 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 7 April 1921


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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 6 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 6 April 1946

  READER SUGGESTS: Put State On World Map With Films     QUEENSLAND needs putting on the map, and I suggest that the Government should send a journalist and photographer to… The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 5 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 5 April 1921

  LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS. THE QUESTION OF COST[?]     A statement was issued yesterday by the Home Secretary's Department combating the contention that the local Government elections under the new...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 4 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Monday, 4 April 1921

  "MODERN DEMOCRACIES." AUSTRALASIAN HISTORY ANALYSED. WORK BY VISCOUNT BRYCE. LONDON, April 1.     Viscount Bryce devotes a complete chapter in a book entitled "Modern Democracies," published by...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 4 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday, 4 April 1946

  Wife's Cold Greeting For Soldier     Hirsch Phillips, commercial traveller, in the Divorce Court yesterday, told of a frigid reception his wife gave him when he returned… The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 3 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Wednesday, 3 April 1946

Return To Glamour Paris Salons Gay Again     The war years rolled back as if nothing had happened when spring fashions were shown in elegant white Paris salons by tall, serene mannequins, with lordly...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 2 April 1946

On This Day in Brisbane City, Tuesday, 2 April 1946

  400,000 U.S. MINERS STRIKE     NEW YORK, April 1 (A.A.P.). America's third major work stoppage in four years on the coalfields began to-day, when 400,000… The Courier Mail, page...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 2 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Saturday, 2 April 1921

  THE LITERATURE OF OFFICE.     Blue books and other compositions of the official mind may be classed among those productions which Charles Lamb said were not books. Certainly they do The Brisbane...

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On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 1 April 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Friday, 1 April 1921


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On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday 31 March 1921

On This Day in Brisbane City, Thursday 31 March 1921

  Brisbane Shakespeare Society. The Rev. Principal Glaister will deliver a lecture on "Hamlet" in the School of Arts hall on April 4. His Excellency the Governor has signified his intention of being present. The...

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