1906c Queensland Police Courts Slq 99183512668702061


The case of Charles Cornell, of Sunnybank, charged with having on Sunday, 2nd January, at Rocklea, been found, without lawful excuse, on the licensed premises of Jack Abercrombie, was down for hearing in the City Police Court, before Mr. H. L. Archdall, C.P.M., yesterday afternoon. Defendant did not appear. Mr. J. G. Ryan (Crown Law Office) said that the defendant had written to the Crown solicitor, stating that he wished to plead guilty. His explanation in the letter was the same as he gave to the Police— that he called at the hotel to leave a handbag there. Mr. Archdall intimated that he desired the defendant to answer the charge in person, and for that purpose he adjourned the case till Friday morning.


From The Telegraph, Thursday 10 February 1921, page 3.


1906c Queensland Police Courts Slq 99183512668702061

1906c Queensland Police Courts Slq 99183512668702061

Image: Queensland Police Courts, Elizabeth Street, ca. 1906, SLQ 99183512668702061, State Library of Queensland.