1943 Cp American Serviceman And Australian Girl


FOR several months I was stationed in Brisbane and met many fine people who I will always consider good friends. Among the friends was your paper. While in Brisbane I was stationed at Cooper’s Plains, and the little fairgrounds at the end of the tram line on the road to South port. Don’t suppose there are very many Americans left in the city now that the war is over. I have often told my wife that I hope to be able in the future to bring her with me to your city for a visit to all the places I know so well.

Robert M. Swigert (Stamford, Conn.. U.S.A.)


From Sunday Mail, Sunday 13 January, page 5.


1943 Cp American Serviceman And Australian Girl

American Serviceman And Australian Girl in Coopers Plains, 1943

Image: American Serviceman and Australian Girl, 1943. Coopers Plains Heritage Collection, Coopers Plains Library, Brisbane City Council.