Contact Person: Maurice McGuire
Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Phone: 3399 3198
Postal Address: PO Box 293 Wynnum QLD 4178


Fort Lytton Historical Association Inc. formed around the Queensland’s largest military museum and
site of regular military re-enactments. The Association won a gold award from National Trust
Queensland for Conservation Works in 2015. Although its main work is in museum studies and
costumed re-enactments, the Association has some interest in history research, mainly specialising
in military technology.


McLean, Mike. (Wikipedia contributor). "Gas-checks in British RML heavy guns,"Wikipedia, The Free
Encyclopedia, (
checks_in_British_RML_heavy_guns&oldid=803215215 , accessed December 29, 2017).

Spethman, David W. Register of Australian Military Ordnance at Federation in 1901 (34 pages; PDF;
Revision:”Rev 2 11/7/15″)

Spethman, David W. Register of Ordnance of the Queensland Marine Defence Force 1884 – 1905 (3
pages; PDF; Revision:”Rev 1 19/5/2015″)