A departmental explanation of the lack of co-ordination on his quest for a crawler tractor is to be sought by the Country Party Leader (Mr. A. W. Fadden).
He said yesterday that since January 9 he had communicated with several people trying to locate the crawler tractor for a Jondaryan wheat farmer, including the Director-General of Agriculture (Mr. Bulcock), the Army Minister (Mr. Forde), and the Works Department’s Mechanical Equipment Director (Mr. Fleetwood).
Mr. Bulcock had wired him on January 10 that no tractors of that type were available. Mr. Fleetwood stated on January 24 that some might be available in about a month.
Yesterday Mr. Forde told him by letter that seven tractors of the required type were declared surplus by the Army on January 9 and passed to the Director General of Works for disposal. Mr. Fadden said that if there had been any sort of liaison his inquirer would have been able to obtain his tractor three weeks ago.
On Sunday, there were at least 40 new wheeled tractors and many crawler tractors at the R.A.E depot at Cooper’s Plains, he said.
From The Courier Mail, Wednesday 30 January 1946, page 3.
Image: Toohey Road BCC-B54-11751, 23 March 1959. Coopers Plains Heritage Collection, Coopers Plains Library, Brisbane City Council.